Too often I have watched business owners stumble over solutions because they think “it can’t be that easy.” What they mean is that they don’t believe a powerful solution can be as simple or as obvious as it really is. We live in a culture that glorifies hard work...
When you think about your day as you wake up each morning, do you feel inspired, motivated, excited to get to work? Do you envision your team happy and productive cranking out projects as flawlessly as you used to do back when you were solo? Hear what you clients...
Last week I wrote about how much failure can hurt. And why trying again — despite the burn — is so important. We’re human, so we don’t love admitting we’ve failed. And we live in a culture that celebrates slaying and winning. That’s why it’s important...
When was the last time you took a summer vacation? How about just a week? A long weekend? Oh, boy… Too often I hear from burnt-out business owners who are unable [read: afraid] to take a summer vacation because of the repercussions it could have on their...